Thursday, September 19, 2013

Investors needed for Spanking New Fresh Approach

This blog is intended for serious Business Investors Only!

I have come up with a brand,new way to make some serious money.

It involves real estate,the major airlines in the United States and it will involve getting certain rights to properties.

I only have two stipulations that would have to be adhered to:

1) A portion of any monetary properties would go to the Native American people that live on properties that are unfit by any modern human standards;

2) That I personally receive a fair portion for said concept.

If you are serious about receiving a assuredly profitable concept, please email me at , so I may
Email you a copy of my business plan of this venture.
Serious Inquiries only.

Note: This is NOT a scheme, scam, or any type of enterprise that has been in concept in any way.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Eric J. Obmann

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The difficult word...

Peace.  It's a difficult word to comprehend and really understand,especially when, as human beings, we've known nothing,but conflict,war & suffering.

Let me try to make this simple: People,no matter if they're politicians,diplomats,
the neighbor next doesn't matter. Everyone has a secret or two that they have that no one needs to know about.

So when we see pictures of children & adults dying in a hospital in Syria and the UN is blocked and fired upon by snipers to check for chemical weapons; that raises quite a few flags in my knowledge of people.

And, when Russian(no offense to my Russian friends),President Putin replies to Syria to admit about chemical weapons,just to avoid a U.S. missile attack...

Secrets,lies,deception...I hate them all. Especially when allies try to protect each other and pretend the negotiations are legitimate.

Ask yourself a question: Just before the children & adults died from chemical weapons in a hospital, were they thinking that ththat chemical,biological, and nuclear weapothose kind of negotiations be legitimate? Was it worth them dying?

 And to my fellow Americans...Is making sure no other people dying from chemical attack worth at least trying to send a message to the world that any weapons of that kind will not be tolerated?

President Obama, you are in a very difficult situation,but the American people need to know that this country needs to let other countries know
that chemical,biological, and nuclear weapons on this Earth will NOT BE TOLERATED in any kind of war. 

Maybe human beings,all of us in the human race,should just get together in a nice game of checkers or something??

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A New Fresh Start

Have you encountered 'scams', schemes and get-rich-quick devices...all to be let down broke and angry?

Well,I can tell you...I'm at that point.

Confused and angry...tired of always being broke.

Well, I'm not the Einstein of everything,but I came across something that I hope will benefit me and you.

I did the math,did the research on these guys and it adds up.

So,exactly what am I saying?

Check this out:

No MLM's.
No Begging family members to join.
A real way to earn money without selling.

And, I would be taking the journey with you.

This is something new,fresh and creative;so try to keep an open mind to it.

Let me give you the listing to sign up with me to join me doing this:

The best part I've learned about this is that it's FREE....
